Monday, December 1, 2008

Audie Taylor - 5 Months

This past month has been an active month for little Audie. He has reached several milestones such as rolling over and eating solid foods. He responds to his name and is always smiling. His favorite time of day is in the mornings. He always wakes up with a smile and enjoys watching his silly brother try to entertain him while we lay in bed. He is growing so fast - at his four month check up he weighed 17 pounds! He has grown to hate his car seat, which we discovered during our recent trip to the great grandparents home for Thanksgiving. Thank goodness he is moving up to his new toddler seat that Nana is getting him for Christmas! Maybe he will enjoy that better. He has been a super sweet baby and I have savoured every minute of it because I know they grow so fast. I can't wait to see what the next few months hold in store for us!
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